In memory of Dr. James Lear


Founder of Scientific Imaging, Inc.


James Louis Lear, M.D.


University of Pennsylvania


Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

University of California at Los Angeles Medical Center


University of Pennsylvania

University of California at Los Angeles

Stanford University

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center






Lear J, Jones S, Greenberg J, Fedora T, Reivich M. Use of I-123 and C-14 in a double radionuclide autoradiographic technique for the simultaneous measurement of LCBF and LCMRgl: theory and method. Stroke 12: 589-597, 1981

Kuhl D, Barrio J, Huang S, Selin C, Ackermann R, Lear J, Wu J, Lin T, Phelps M. Quantifying local cerebral blood flow by n-isopropyl-p-I-123-iodoamphetamine (IMP) tomography. J Nucl Med 23: 196-203, 1982

Lear J, Ackermann R, Kameyama M, Kuhl D. Evaluation of I-123-isopropyliodoamphetamine as a tracer for local cerebral blood flow using direct autoradiographic comparison. J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 2: 179-185, 1982

Kameyama M, Wasterlain C, Ackermann R, Finch D, Lear J, Kuhl D. Neuronal response of the hippocampal formation to injury: blood flow, glucose metabolism, and protein synthesis. Exp Neurol 79: 329-346, 1983

Lear J, Ring E, Macoviak J, Baum S. Percutaneous transhepatic electrohydraulic lithotripsy. Radiology 150: 589-590, 1984

Lear J, Ackermann R, Kameyama M, Carson R, Phelps M. Simultaneous multiple radionuclide autoradiography in evaluation of cerebral function. J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 4: 264-269, 1984

Lear J. Supine exercise thallium testing: accuracy in evaluation of coronary artery disease as compared to treadmill testing. Radiology 156: 835-836, 1985

Lear J. Effect of position during exercise on thallium-201 cardiac and pulmonary kinetics and accuracy in diagnosis of coronary artery disease. J Nucl Med 27: 788-794, 1986

Lear J. Maximizing precision in quantitative autoradiographic determination of tissue tracer concentration using exposure optimization. J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 6: 499-504, 1986

Lear J, Mido K, Plotnick J, Muth R. High performance digital image analyzer for quantitative autoradiography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 6: 625-629, 1986

Lear J, Plotnick J, Rumley S. Digital autoradiography: design, development and performance of a solid state image analyzer. J Nucl Med 28: 218-222, 1987

Lear J, Navarro D. Autoradiographic comparison of 201-Tl diethyldithiocarbamate, isopropyliodoamphetamine, and iodoantipyrine as cerebral blood flow tracers. J Nucl Med 28: 481-486, 1987

Nadasy G, Monos E, Mohachi E, Lear J, Kovach A. A simple model describing the elastic properties of human umbilical arterial smooth muscle. Acta Phys Hung 70: 75-85, 1987

Lear J, Ackermann R. Comparison of cerebral glucose metabolic rates measured with fluorodeoxyglucose and glucose labeled in the 1, 2, 3-4, and 6 positions using quantitative double label digital autoradiography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 8: 575-585, 1988

Lear J. Quantitative local cerebral blood flow measurements with Tc-99m HM-PAO: evaluation using multiple radionuclide digital quantitative autoradiography. J Nucl Med 29: 1387-1392, 1988

Lear J, Raff U, Jain R. Reverse and pseudo redistribution of thallium-201 in healed myocardial infarction and normal and negative thallium-201 washout in myocardial ischemia due to background oversubtraction. Am J Cardiol 62: 543-550, 1988

Lear J, Raff U, Jain R, Horgan J. Quantitative determination of renal perfusion following transplant surgery. J Nucl Med 29: 1656-1661, 1988

Lear J. Initial cerebral HM-PAO distribution compared to LCBF: Use of a model which considers cerebral HM-PAO trapping kinetics. J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 8: S31-S37, 1988

Lear J, Ackermann R. Regional comparison of the lumped constants of deoxyglucose and fluorodeoxyglucose. Metabolic Brain Dis 4: 95-104, 1989

Lear J, Manco-Johnson M, Feyerabend A, Anderson G, Robinson D. Ultra-high speed teleradiology using ISDN technology. Radiology 171: 862-863, 1989

Lear J, Feyerabend A, Gregory C. A two compartment, two plasma sample technique for accurate estimation of effective renal plasma flow: Theoretical development and comparison with other methods. Radiology 172: 431-436, 1989

Ackermann R, Lear J. Glycolysis-induced discordance between cerebral glucose metabolic rates measured with fluorodeoxyglucose and glucose. J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 9: 774-785, 1989

Lear J, Ackermann R. Evaluation of radiolabeled acetate and fluoroacetate as potential tracers of cerebral oxidative metabolism. Metabolic Brain Dis 5: 45-56, 1990

Lear J, Pratt J, Roberts D, Johnson T, Feyerabend A. Gamma camera image acquisition, display, and processing with the personal microcomputer. Radiology 175: 241-245, 1990

Lear J, Pratt J, Ackermann R, Plotnick J, Rumley S. Ultra-high performance, solid-state, autoradiographic image digitization and analysis system. Metabolic Brain Dis 5: 59-67, 1990

Longley C, Furmansky P, Dienhart D, Lear J, Bloedow D, Kasliwal R, Bunn P. Pharmacokinetics, biodistribution, and gamma camera imaging of 111In-KC-4G3 murine monoclonal antibody in athymic nude mice with or without human tumor xenographs. Cancer Res 50: 5954-5961, 1990

Lear J, Ackermann R. Quantification of patterns of regional cardiac metabolism. Radiology 176: 659-664, 1990

Dienhart D, Schmelter R, Lear J, Miller G, Glenn S, Bloedow D, Kasliwal R, Moran P, Seligman P, Murphy J, Kortright K, Bunn P. Imaging of non-small cell lung cancers with a monoclonal antibody, KC-4G3, which recognizes a human milk fat globule antigen. Cancer Res 50: 7068-7076, 1990

Lear J. Glycolysis: link between PET and proton MR spectroscopic studies of the brain. Radiology 174: 328-330, 1990

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Feyerabend A. Mapping regional cerebral vascular transit times by simultaneous determination of local cerebral blood flow and local cerebral blood volume. Metabolic Brain Dis 5: 155-165, 1990

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Feyerabend A, Pratt J, Bunn P, Dienhart D, Johnson T, Glenn S, Maddock S. Improved tumor imaging with radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies by plasma clearance of unbound antibody using an anti-antibody column. Radiology 179: 509-512, 1991

Nuss R, Feyerabend A, Lear J, Lane P. Splenic function in persons with sickle cell trait at moderately high altitudes. Am J Hematol 37: 130-132, 1991

Lear J, Kasliwal R. Autoradiographic measurement of cerebral lactate transport in normal and activated conditions. J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 11: 576-580, 1991

Johnson T, Maddock S, Kasliwal R, Bloedow D, Hartmann C, Feyerabend A, Dienhart D, Thickman D, Glenn S, Gonzales R, Lear J, Bunn P. Radioimmunoadsorption of KC-4G3 antibody in peripheral blood: implications for radioimmunotherapy. Antibody, Immunoconjugates, and Radiopharmaceuticals 4: 885-893, 1991

Johnson T, Gonzalez R, Kasliwal R, Lear J, Feyerabend A, Dienhart D, Ceriani R, Bunn P. Distribution of a breast-directed I-131-radiolabeled monoclonal antibody in blood and bone marrow: implications for radiation immunotherapy. Radiology 182: 107-114, 1992

Lear J, Pratt J. Real-time list-mode processing of gated cardiac examinations with forward-backward framing. Eur J Nucl Med 19: 177-180, 1992

Lear J, Ackermann R. Comparison of regional blood - brain transport kinetics between glucose and fluorodeoxyglucose. J Nucl Med 33: 1819-1824, 1992

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Duryea R. Effects of variations in the duration of diffusible-tracer infusions on calculated values of global and regional cerebral blood flow. Metabolic Brain Dis 7: 197-210, 1992

Feyerabend A, Lear J. Regional variations in bone mineral loss assessed by dual-photon and dual-energy radiographic absorptiometry. Radiology 186: 467-470, 1993

Pratt J, Lear J. Increased image processing speed achieved in personal computers with memory-intensive algorithms. J Digital Imaging 4: 205-212, 1993

Barbour L, Kick S, Steiner J, LoVerde M, Heddleston L, Lear J, Baron A, Barton P. A prospective study of heparin-induced osteoporosis in pregnancy using bone densitometry. Am J Obstet Gynecol 170: 862-869, 1994

Lear J, Pratt J, Mallet J, Gregory C. User-definable bullseye database analysis. Eur J Nucl Med 21: 154-157, 1994

Dienhart D, Kasliwal R, Lear J. Extracorporeal immunoadsorption of radiolabeled monoclonal antibody: a method for reduction of background activity and its potential role during the radioimmunotherapy of cancer. Antibody Immunoconj Radiopharm 7: 225-252, 1994

Schrier D, Stemmer S, Johnson T, Kasliwal R, Lear J, Matthes S, Taffs S, Dufton C, Glenn S, Butchko G, Ceriani R, Roviera D, Bunn P, Shpall E, Bearman S, Purdy M, Cagnoni P, Jones R. High-dose 90Y mx-diethylenetriaminepentacetic acid (DTPA)-BrE-3 and autologous hematopoetic stem cell support (AHSCS) for the treatment of advanced breast cancer: a phase I trial. Cancer Research 55: 5921-5924, 1995

Lane P, O'Connell J, Lear J, Rogers Z, Woods G, Hassell K, Wethers D, Luckey D, Buchanan G. Functional asplenia in hemoglobin SC disease. Blood 85: 2238-2244, 1995

Lear J, Pratt J, Trujillo N. Redundant array of independent disks (RAID): practical online storage for nuclear medicine image data. J Digital Imaging 9: 37-38, 1996

Pratt J, Lear J. Direct reconstruction of SPECT images using retained matrix elements. J Digital Imaging 10: 10-13, 1997

Trujillo N, Pratt J, Talusani S, Quaife R, Kumpe D, Lear J. DTPA aerosol in ventilation / perfusion scintigraphy for diagnosing pulmonary embolism. J Nucl Med 38: 1781-1783, 1997


Lear J, Mido K, Plotnick J, Muth R. Maximizing precision and accuracy in quantitative autoradiographic determination of radiopharmaceutical distribution for dosimetry calculation. Inter Radiopharm Dosimetry 4: 105-117, 1986

Lear J. Multiple radionuclide autoradiography: considerations in optimizing precision and accuracy. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 8: 443-448, 1988

Meinig R, Lear J, Wilkins R. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) analysis of allograft revascularization.

Lear J, Ackermann R. Why the deoxyglucose method has proven so useful in cerebral activation studies: unappreciated prevalence of stimulation-induced glycolysis. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: 911-913, 1989

Lear J. Relationship between myocardial clearance rates of C-11-acetate-derived radiolabel and oxidative metabolism: physiological basis and clinical significance. J Nucl Med 32: 1957-1960, 1991

Lear J. Monday, Monday. Canít trust that day. J Nucl Med 33: 463, 1992

Pratt J, Lear J. Computers in medicine: PCs compare favorably to dedicated systems. Diagnostic Imaging Sept.: 83-85, 1993

Lear J. Just another day in nuclear medicine. Diagnostic Imaging June, 1994

Lear J. Nuclear medicine braces for shake out. Diagnostic Imaging September, 1994

Lear J. Fighting the MIPS wars with my shillelagh. Diagnostic Imaging February, 1995

Lear J. Radiology seeks a door into spring. Diagnostic Imaging August, 1995

Lear J. Reading tea leaves at the RSNA. Diagnostic Imaging November, 1995

Lear J. Locking the Grinch out of McCormick. Diagnostic Imaging November, 1996

Lear J. Nuclear Medicine Fantasy. Diagnostic Imaging November, 1998


Lear J. Principles of single and multiple tracer autoradiography. In Positron Emission Tomography and Autoradiography: Principles and Applications for the Brain and Heart, Phelps, Mazziota, Shelbert, eds. New York, Raven Press, pp. 197-236, 1986

Bunn P, Dienhart D, Schmelter R, Lear J, Miller G, Bloedow D, Longley C, Furmanski P, Ceriani R. In vivo studies of radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies MC5 and KC4 in human breast cancer. In Breast Cancer Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy. R. Ceriani, ed., Plenum Publishing Corp., 1989

Ackermann R, Lear J. Double-label quantitative autoradiographic studies of anaerobic glucose metabolism in limbic seizures. In Kindling IV, J Wada, ed., New York, Plenum Press, pp. 61-70, 1990

Lear J, Ackermann R. Autoradiographic comparison of FDG-based and GLU-based measurements of glucose transport and metabolism: normal and activated conditions. In Brain Work and Mental Activity: Quantitative Studies with Radioactive Tracers, Lassen, Ingvar, Raichle, Friberg, eds., Copenhagen, Munksgaard, pp. 142-157, 1991

Lear J. Multiple radionuclide autoradiography: basic considerations. In Autoradiography and Correlative Imaging for Cells and Tissues, Stumpf, Solomon, eds., San Diego, Academic Press, pp. 485-496, 1995

Lear J. Autoradiography. In Principles of Nuclear Medicine, 2nd Edition, H. Wagner, ed., Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, pp. 267-274, 1995

Lear J, Pratt J, Trujillo N. Online PACS data archiving using redundant array of inexpensive disk (RAID) technology. In Computer Applications to Assist Radiology, Kilcoyne, Lear, Rowberg, eds. Symposia Foundation, pp. 125-129, 1996

ABSTRACTS (Presentations by JLL at National and International Meetings)

Lear J, Jones S, Greenberg J, Fedora T, Reivich M. Double radionuclide autoradiography for the simultaneous measurement of local cerebral blood and glucose metabolism. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2: S488-S489, 1981

Lear J, Ackermann R, Kameyama M, Kuhl D. Direct autoradiographic evaluation and use of I-123-isopropyliodoamphetamine for determination of local cerebral blood flow. J Nucl Med 23: P96, 1982

Lear J, Ring E, Macoviak J, Baum S. Percutaneous transhepatic electrohydraulic chololithotripsy. Radiology 149(P), Suppl. l, 1983

Lear J, Ackermann R, Kameyama M, Carson R, Huang S, Phelps M. Evaluation of cerebral function using simultaneous multiple radionuclide autoradiography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 3: S97-S98, 1983

Lear J, Ackermann R, Kameyama M, Carson R, Huang S, Kuhl D, Phelps M. Direct evaluation of the interrelationships of local cerebral blood flow (LCBF), glucose metabolism (LCRGM), and protein synthesis (LCRPS) using simultaneous multiple radionuclide autoradiography (SMRA). J Nucl Med 24: P69, 1983

Lear J. Supine exercise thallium stress testing: accuracy and correlation with treadmill testing. Radiology 153: P72, 1984

Lear J, Mido K, Plotnick J, Muth R. Tl-201 diethyldithiocarbamate as a cerebral blood flow tracer: comparison with isopropyliodoamphetamine and iodoantipyrine using high precision digital quantitative autoradiography. Eur J Nuc Med 11(Suppl.): 2, 1985

Lear J, Muth R, Plotnick J. Digital image analyzer for autoradiography. J Nucl Med 26: P44, 1985

Lear J. Optimizing exposure in quantitative autoradiography. Clin Nuc Med 10: P19, 1985

Lear J, Navarro D, Jackson A. Tl-201 diethydithiocarbamate as a tracer for local cerebral blood flow: comparison with isopropyliodoamphetamine and iodoantipyrine. J Nucl Med 27: 913, 1986

Lear J, Mido K, Plotnick J, Muth R. Quantitative digital autoradiography. J Nucl Med 27: 1018, 1986

Lear J. Comparison of cerebral glucose metabolic rates measured with C-14 glucose and F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose using double tracer quantitative digital autoradiography. J Nucl Med 27: 956, 1986

Lear J, Plotnick J, Rumley S. Design, development and testing of a high performance, microcomputer based, solid state autoradiographic image analyzer. J Nucl Med 27: 1000, 1986

Lear J. Tc-99m HM-PAO as a tracer for LCBF: evaluation using triple label digital autoradiography. J Nucl Med 28: 559, 1987

Lear J, Ackermann R. Comparison of cerebral glucose metabolic rates measured with fluorodeoxyglucose and glucose labeled in the 1, 2, and 6 positions using double label quantitative digital autoradiography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7: S483, 1987

Lear J, Navarro D. Evaluation of 201-Tl diethyldithiocarbamate as an LCBF tracer: comparison with iodoantipyrine and isopropyliodoamphetamine using digital multitracer autoradiography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7: S493, 1987

Lear J. Tc-99m-hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime as a tracer for LCBF: evaluation by triple label digital quantitative autoradiography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7: S561, 1987

Lear J. Non-diffusion limited underestimation of LCBF by Tc-99m HM-PAO. Nuc Med 26: 32, 1987

Lear J, Plotnick J, Lee R, Raff U. High performance imaging system for digital processing and telephone transmission of nuclear medicine images. Nuc Med 26: 84, 1987

Lear J, Ackermann R. Cerebral metabolic rate and label position dependency of CO2 loss when using C-14 glucose as a tracer for LCMRglu. Nuc Med 25: 153, 1987

Lear J, Raff U, Horgan J. Quantitative measurements of renal perfusion following transplant surgery. Radiology 165: 156, 1987

Lear J, Raff U, Jain R. Background oversubtraction in thallium scans can cause both pseudoredistribution and reverse redistribution in infarcts. Radiology 165: 342, 1987

Lear J, Raff U, Jain R, Horgan J. Quantitative measurements of renal perfusion following transplant surgery. J Nucl Med 29: 907, 1988

Lear J, Raff U, Jain R. Effects of background oversubtraction on quantitative analysis of thallium scans. Radiology 169(P): 173, 1988

Lear J, Raff U, Jain R, Horgan J. Renal blood flow following transplant surgery: effects of acute tubular necrosis, rejection, and cyclosporine toxicity. Radiology 169(P): 105, 1988

Lear J, Feyerabend A, Gregory C. Discordance between values of effective renal plasma flow determined using single and multiple plasma sampling techniques: effects of distribution volume. Radiology 169(P): 393, 1988

Lear J, Raff U, Plotnick J, Spitzer V. High precision, solid state image digitization, analysis and communications system based on the Macintosh II computer. Radiology 169(P): 357, 1988

Lear J, Manco-Johnson M, Raff U, Anderson G, Robinson D. A megabyte per minute: ultra-high speed remote image transmission over normal phone lines using ISDN technology. Radiology 169(P): 374, 1988

Lear J, Ackermann R. Regional comparison of the lumped constants of deoxyglucose and fluorodeoxyglucose. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: S440, 1989

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Meury V. Direct comparison of LCBF and capillary blood volume suggests that capillary transit time varies regionally. J Nucl Med 30: 792, 1989

Lear J, Ackermann R. Cerebral acetate and fluoroacetate uptake compared to glucose metabolic rate. J Nucl Med 30: 900, 1989

Lear J, Feyerabend A, Gregory C. Errors in single plasma sample-based values of effective renal plasma flow caused by variations in distribution volume. J Nucl Med 30: 944, 1989

Lear J, Manco-Johnson M, Feyerabend A, Anderson G, Robinson D. Ultra-high speed nuclear medicine image telecommunications using ISDN. J Nucl Med 30: 874, 1989

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Meury V, Feyerabend A. Mapping regional capillary transit times with simultaneously determined cerebral blood flow and blood volume. Eur J Nucl Med 15: 507, 1989.

Lear J, Roberts D, Pratt J. Macintosh II-based nuclear medicine image acquisition and processing system. Eur J Nucl Med 15: 562, 1989.

Lear J, Ackermann R. Quantification of regional myocardial metabolism. Radiology 173(P): 325, 1989

Lear J, Ackermann R. Evaluation of radiolabeled acetate and fluoroacetate as PET tracers of cerebral oxidative metabolism. Radiology 173(P): 78, 1989

Lear J, Feyerabend A. Two-compartment, two-plasma sample technique for accurate estimation of effective renal plasma flow: theoretical development and comparison with other methods. Radiology 173(P): 216, 1989

Lear J, Roberts D, Pratt J. Design, development, and evaluation of a direct gamma camera interface to the Macintosh II computer. Radiology 173(P): 368, 1989

Lear J, Pratt J. Real-time list mode processing of gated cardiac blood pool examinations. Eur J Nucl Med 16: 474, 1990

Lear J, Ackermann R. Comparison of transport and metabolic rate constants of fluorodeoxyglucose and glucose in the brain. Eur J Nucl Med 16: 432, 1990

Lear J, Pratt J, Roberts D. Macintosh-II-based system for acquisition, display, analysis, and telecommunication of gamma camera images. Eur J Nucl Med 16: 413, 1990

Lear J, Pratt J, Plotnick J. High performance autoradiographic image digitization and analysis system. J Nucl Med 31: 758, 1990

Lear J, Ackermann R. Quantification of patterns of regional myocardial metabolism. J Nucl Med 31: 785, 1990

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Meury V, Feyerabend A. Temporal instability of diffusible tracer-based LCBF measurements. J Nucl Med 31: 884, 1990

Lear J, Pratt J, Feyerabend A. Ultra-high resolution laser printer for hardcopy of digital gamma camera images. J Nucl Med 31: 942, 1990

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Meury V, Feyerabend A. Imaging regional cerebral vascular transit time. Radiology 177(P): 234, 1990

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Feyerabend A, Bunn P, Dienhart D, Johnson T, Glenn S, Maddock S. Improved tumor imaging with monoclonal antibodies by plasma clearance with an anti-antibody column - work-in-progress. Radiology 177(P): 301, 1990

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Feyerabend A. Time dependency of local cerebral blood flow measurements caused by regional variations in tissue transit time. Radiology 177(P): 217, 1990

Lear J, Pratt J, Roberts D, Feyerabend A, Nemchak J, Johnson S. Systematic approach to acquisition and transmission of digital images. Radiology 177(P): 187, 1990

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Feyerabend A, Pratt J, Bunn P, Dienhart D, Gonzalez R, Johnson T, Bloedow D, Maddock S, Glenn S. Improved monoclonal antibody imaging of tumors by clearance of unbound antibodies from the plasma with an anti-antibody column. J Nucl Med 32: 970, 1991

Lear J, Kasliwal R. Time dependent variations in patterns of diffusible tracer-based measurements of LCBF. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 11: S55, 1991

Lear J, Ackermann R. Quantitative autoradiographic comparison of regional transport rates of deoxyglucose and glucose. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 11: S464, 1991

Lear J, Kasliwal R. Autoradiographic measurement of cerebral lactate transport rate constants in normal and activated conditions. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 11: S472, 1991

Lear J, Pratt J, Feyerabend A. Clinical evaluation of a Macintosh II system for acquisition, processing, and communication of gamma camera images. Eur J Nucl Med 18: 663, 1991

Lear J, Feyerabend A. Assessment of regional variations in bone mineral loss. Radiology 181P: 228, 1991

Lear J, Pratt J, Feyerabend A. Clinical evaluation of a Macintosh II system for processing gamma camera images. Radiology 181P: 187, 1991

Lear J, Pratt J, Kasliwal R, Ackermann R. Kinetic modeling of the relationship between cerebral metabolism and MR spectroscopic lactate concentration imaging. Radiology 181P: 237, 1991

Lear J, Ackermann R. Differences between transport and metabolic rate constants of fluorodeoxyglucose and glucose. Radiology 181P: 101, 1991

Lear J, Gregory C, Pratt J. High-resolution plain-paper laser printer for hardcopy of nuclear medicine images. J Nucl Med 33: 947, 1992

Lear J, Ackermann R. Regional variations in the relationship between blood-brain transport of glucose and fluorodeoxyglucose. J Nucl Med 33: 908, 1992

Lear J, Pratt J. Advanced nuclear medicine image processing on a personal laptop computer. Radiology 186: 617, 1992

Lear J, Pratt J, Kasliwal R, Duryea R. Kinetic Modeling of the relationship between cerebral metabolism and lactate concentration. J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 13: S718, 1993

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Duryea R, Pratt J. Dual tracer 14C - 3H acetate autoradiography for estimation of regional oxidative metabolic rates. J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 13: S597, 1993

Lear J, Pratt J, Kasliwal R, Duryea R, Ackermann R. Personal computer-based image digitization and processing system for three dimensional autoradiographic image analysis. J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 13: S819, 1993

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Duryea R, Pratt J. Dual tracer autoradiography of cerebral acetate metabolism. J Nucl Med 34: 197 P, 1993

Lear J, Pratt J, Mallet J, Gregory C. User-definable bullseye database analysis. J Nucl Med 34: 150P, 1993

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Duryea R. Use of radiolabeled acetate to evaluate the rate of clearance of cerebral oxidative metabolites. J Nucl Med 35: 198P, 1994

Lear J, Kasliwal R, Duryea R. High resolution autoradiographic measurement of regional cardiac oxidative metabolism. J Nucl Med 35: 98P, 1994

Lear J, Pratt J, Fox M. Effects of differences in SPECT processing on the accuracy of bull's-eye data base analysis. Radiology 193: 186P, 1994

Lear J, Pratt J, Fox M. Errors in bull's-eye cardiac database analysis associated with variations in processing methods. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 1994

Lear J, Pratt J, Gregory C, Mallet J, Fox M. Pitfalls in the use of bullís-eye database analysis. Eur J Nucl Med 22: 727, 1995

Lear J, Trujillo N, Pratt J, Talusani S, Quaife R, Kumpe D. Validation of criteria for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism using DTPA aerosol. J Nucl Med 37: 295P, 1996

Lear J, Cole W, Pratt J, Duryea R. Dual tracer autoradiographic measurement of cardiac oxidative metabolism. J Nucl Med 37: 95P, 1996

Lear J, Trujillo N, Pratt P, Talusani S, Quaife R, Kumpe D. Ventilation / perfusion scintigraphy in diagnosis of pulmonary embolism: Tc-99m DTPA aerosol is superior to Xe-133. Eur J Nucl Med 23: 1070, 1996

Lear J, Pratt J, Trujillo N. Redundant array of independent disks (RAID): Practical online image archiving for nuclear medicine. Eur J Nucl Med 23: 1241, 1996

Lear J, Trujillo N, Pratt J, Talusani S, Quaife R, Kumpe D. Accuracy of ventillation-perfusion scintigraphy using Tc-99m DTPA aerosol in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism: a prospective study. Radiology 1997

Lear J, Lee E, Trujillo N. Partial ventilation / perfusion mismatch in lung scintigraphy: Incidence and diagnostic Implications. Radiology 1997

Lear J, Trujillo N, Pratt J, Talusani S, Kumpe D. An accurate Tc-99m DTPA aerosol-based approach to V/Q scintigraphy for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Radiology 1997

Lear J, Manco-Johnson, M, Nuss R, Geraghty S, Weidel, J, Murphy J, Kilcoyne R. Radiocolloid synovectomy for treatment of recurrent joint hemorrhage in children with hemophila. J Nucl Med 40: 11P, 1999

Lear J, Trujillo N, Pratt P, McIntyre R, Liechty D. Image summation with reregestration and interactive digital subtraction for diagnosis of parathyroid disease using Tc-sestamibi and pertechnetate. J Nuc Med 40: 50P, 1999

Lear J, Lee E. Partial ventilation / perfusion mismatch in lung scintigraphy: incidence and diagnostic implications. J Nuc Med 40: 55P, 1999

Lear J, Pratt P. Errors in automatic gated SPECT ejection fraction calculations: effects of cardiac chamber size and system resolution determined by Monte Carlo simulation. J Nuc Med 40: 78P, 1999

Lear J, Cole W, Spitzer S, Pratt J. Measurement of cerebral Krebs-cycle kinetics using radiolabeled acetate. J Nuc Med 40: 236P, 1999

Lear J, Trujillo N, Kumpe D, Pratt J. Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism using DTPA-aerosol as the ventilation agent: a ten year prospective study. Eur J Nuc Med, 1999

Lear J, Lee E. Diagnostic implications of partial ventilation / perfusion mismatch in lung scintigraphy. Eur J Nuc Med, 1999

Lear J, Pratt J. Monte Carlo simulation of automatic gated SPECT ejection fraction calculations: effects of cardiac chamber size, cardiac dynamics, and system resolution. Eur J Nuc Med, 1999


Scientific Imaging, Inc.